3 Reasons Besides Reproduction To Spay Your Pet

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Did you recently bring home a new female dog or cat? Congratulations! A four-legged furry friend can bring fun and enjoyment to your home and family. If your new animal isn't already spayed, you may want to do that as soon as possible. The biggest advantage of spaying is obvious. It eliminates the risk of your dog or cat becoming pregnant and you having a new litter of puppies or kittens to deal with. Spaying also reduces the dog and cat population and minimizes the number of strays. These aren't the only reasons to spay your pet, though. Spaying can also protect your pet's health and make pet ownership easier. Below are three other reasons to get your new pet spayed:

It protects your pet's health. Female pets who are not spayed are at risk of developing breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. Spaying minimizes the risk of breast cancer and completely eliminates the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. It also eliminates the risk of uterine infection, which can be painful for your pet and costly. To protect your pet's health, get her spayed before her first estrous cycle. Your veterinarian can let you know the appropriate time to spay.

It keeps your home clean. If you keep your dog or cat unspayed, she will continue to have an estrous cycle throughout most of her adult life. For female dogs, this means passing bloody fluid for a week or more a couple of times a year. As you might expect, this can be a messy and inconvenient process. You may have to purchase diapers to prevent the blood from staining your floors, furniture, and other household items. Even with diapers, you may still find blood stains around the house. Spaying is a simple and effective way to eliminate the estrous cycle and the mess that comes with it.

It keeps your home and your pet safe. When female dogs and cats are in heat, they attract male counterparts, and they have the desire to roam and find male partners. You could have stray males venturing into your yard to look for your pet. Your pet could also stray from your yard in search of sexual partners. By spaying your pet, she won't go into heat, so she won't have the desire to roam or attract males into the yard.

Ready to keep your pet safe and healthy? Contact your veterinarian today to learn more about their pet spay services.

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About Me

Working With Your Vet In the world of pet ownership, things aren't always simple. I realized that there were some issues with my own pet ownership experience, since my animals always seemed a little less than happy. I wanted to do something better with my time, so I started working hard to make things work. I began going through and looking for a great veterinarian who could be of service, and I found the perfect practice for my animals. They were kind, caring, and incredibly careful with pets, and so I knew i was in good hands. This website is here to make your life a little less stressful if you have pets.

